Tuesday, March 31, 2009

No more butt to chew

I work for $4 an hour. I get my butt chewed at least once a day. Why do I stay? I love my work. However, I could deal with a few extra dollars and few less lectures.

I hope I’m not alone when I say I have no more butt for people to chew off. Somehow all the work I put into my job just isn’t good enough for some.

I currently have a job that is not considered an internship but it should be. I cannot gain internship hours for this job even though I work about 15-20 hours a week. After some calculations (my salary is semester based), my hourly rate is about $4.

When I asked to get a raise, a professional associated with my job told me my position had not had a raise in the last 7 years. Therefore, even though I am working much harder than past people in my position, I am not eligible for a raise ‘just because.’ I was never able to get a straight answer out of anyone as to why I could not earn more since I was doing more.

So my $4 an hour rate continues. Without my husband's income I could only pay my rent three times each semester. That doesn’t include car insurance, gas, groceries, medical bills, heat for my apartment, turning the lights on at night, or doing laundry.

I never thought I would work this hard at this particular job. However, I cannot look bad at this job because of future employers. Therefore, I spend countless hours working as hard as I can to make not only myself look good, but also the people that have other positions associated with my job.

I am not one to moan and groan about any job I hold. I really love what I do. It is exactly what I would love to be doing in 15 years only on a larger scale. However, it seems lately that after all these hours put into my job, I have gotten my butt chewed over everything.

For $4 an hour, I cannot stand getting my butt chewed over anything and everything anymore. My rate is less than minimum wage and I am doing more work than what I am getting paid for. I am tired of it.

I contemplated even posting this because I know it could have strong repercussions. But I have something to say and it is something I believe in. I am going to stand up for myself because I am tired of being walked on. I am tired of getting paid $4 an hour and getting my butt chewed off.

The job has taken a toll on me more than any other job I have ever had. No one deserves to get paid $4 an hour and get their butt chewed.

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