Monday, March 2, 2009

Deadly air duster

It takes all kinds of people to make up Kearney.

One kind that just fascinates me is the group of people that can be addicted to drugs but yet they are heroes for telling others not to do what they did. Make sense? Not to me.

Take for instance the girl caught with huffing air duster (yes, air duster) while driving in a residential neighborhood in Kearney. She blacked out and hit a tree going 50 mph with other passengers in her car.

She’s telling people not to do drugs. She wants them to learn from her stupid actions.

I’m sorry. You will never be condoned a hero in my world for telling me not to do drugs. Drug users all across the nation do this. They do drugs and then become motivational speakers about drug prevention programs. People claim these ex-drug users as heroes. “I was going to huff some spray paint until I hear Mr. Marijuana speak, now I’ll never do it again. Mr. Marijuana saved my life.” Sorry, not listening.

The girl who huffed air duster is a drug user. She was caught. Had she not been caught she wouldn’t have cared whether you, I or the Schwan’s man did drugs. She will never be a hero in my eyes. She huffed air duster while driving down a road. A road I could have been on. A road my family or friends could have been on. Thanks for endangering my life.

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