Monday, March 2, 2009

Fun times in West Center

I am pretty mystified by something everyday when I wait for my class in lovely West Center. In the big student lounge there are not one, not two, but FIVE people taking a cat nap on the couches. This isn't just a Monday thing, this is everyday! First off, this annoys me. I feel like I have to be quiet so I don't have to wake these dozers up. Second off, how can anyone sleep in there? There is a constant stream of studens coming in and out, chatting with eachother and making noise. How can anyone sleep through that? Third off, how are those blue couches with the wooden arms comfy? If I'm going to take a cat nap, I want a pillow, blanket and quiet.

Has anyone else come across this, or am I the only one?

1 comment:

  1. I took a nap in the library once. I went to the basement, picked one of those private desk things with the sides in the back, used my purse as a pillow and set the alarm on my phone. I slept HARD the whole time and when my alarm woke me up an hour later, I realized I had been snoring haha!

    Personally, if people are napping around me, I act as if they aren't there and keep going about my day. If they choose to sleep in a loud area, so be it.
