Friday, February 20, 2009

The faces of unemployment

A man with 30 years of experience, a man with 18 years experience and a man with a year and a half experience. Fifty employees all together were escorted off the premises, all laid off by a company in Kearney as of midnight, Feb. 20, 2009.

The man with a year and a half experience was my husband. With no warning, he was laid off.

I usually don’t rant and rave about my problems in this blog. I usually rant and rave about other people’s problems. This is one exception.

Some people think the bad economy of the U.S. isn’t affecting Kearney. Think again. Fifty unemployed persons will be collecting unemployment and looking for new jobs in the following days and weeks.

These fifty persons are not the ones affected by the economy in Kearney. A handful of other companies in and around Kearney have laid off some or all of their employees.

For those of you that don’t believe the bad economy is affecting Kearney, tell that to my husband. Tell that to the other 50 people laid off last night. Tell that to the other hundreds of people laid off in and around Kearney. They are the faces of unemployment and they will prove to you the bad economy is affecting Kearney.

1 comment:

  1. Again, what a great first sentence! So sorry for your news. I was there the first year I was married as well.
